Understanding Excellent Child Care Activities

Understanding Excellent Child Care Activities

Are Child Care Centers Safe During A Worldwide Pandemic?

Barry Ward

It is not a secret to anyone that our entire globe is experiencing a crisis. Worldwide pandemics have historically only happened every 100 years or so, and unluckily for us, we are currently experiencing that right now. While at various times businesses and schools have closed down, the question has been raised for many as to whether or not it is safe to continue sending children to child care centers. If you are a working parent, chances are you don't have much of an option on the matter, but here are a few things that will help ease your anxiety and give you peace of mind about the safety of your child.

Regular Temperature Checks

Every single day upon entering the building, most child care directors are checking temperatures of all students and staff. If a fever or other symptoms of illness are present, the person is asked to go home and isolate themselves for 14 days. This daily check keeps everyone aware of internal body temperatures and helps to make sure everyone in the building is well and fever-free.

Regular Hand Washing

Children can be known to carry a lot of germs at any time of the day, so child care centers are working extra hard to ensure that every child washes their hands frequently throughout the day. When children are washing their hands, directors and teachers help make sure they are washing for at least 20 seconds to help prevent the spread of germs. Hand washing is required upon entering the building, after using the restroom, before eating any snacks or meals, after playing outside, and is encouraged when all child care attendees get home. 

Toy Sterilization

Since young children are notorious for putting toys and other objects into their mouths, sterilization is a must to prevent the spread of germs. Teachers are properly cleaning these items before any other children are in contact with them, as well as frequently wiping down surfaces, light switches and door knobs. 

Stay Home if Necessary

Any staff or students who are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 are required to stay home to help prevent the spread of the virus. If you have come in contact with someone who has the virus, then you are also encouraged to keep your distance until you are sure that you do not have the virus. Keeping child care centers safe and healthy during a worldwide pandemic takes effort from everyone involved, and can be done if proper precautions are taken.


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Understanding Excellent Child Care Activities

Hello, I am Lorraine. I am excited to share my knowledge of activities that child care centers should adopt. I hope to talk about all of the different skills kids will learn from each activity option. Kids in child care need to have plenty of novel experiences to quickly learn about the joys of the world. Both structured activities and free play give kids a chance to explore the way the world works and people operate. My site will cover all of the activity options suitable for each child care environment. Thank you for visiting my website. I will see you again soon.
